
Vitality Works is the proprietor of the Wellbeing 360 website and survey. All intellectual property rights, including trademarks and copyright, in the website and the Wellbeing 360 survey are the property of, or licensed solely for use by, Vitality Works – Sanitarium Workplace Health.

Quality Information

Vitality Works intends to provide accurate and up-to-date information and advice based on relevant and current expert opinion and evidence. As a result the contents of the Wellbeing 360 website may change from time to time.

This site is made available strictly on the basis that Vitality Works fully excludes any liability to any person for loss, cost or damage arising out of any reliance on the information or advice contained on this site, even if due to our negligence.

The results, information and advice from the Wellbeing 360 survey are intended as a guide to your health and are presented for educational purposes only. They are not intended to be a clinical diagnosis or a substitute for professional health advice, and should only be used in conjunction with information or advice from appropriately qualified doctors, trainers, coaches or other health professionals. Anyone looking to undertake behavioural changes which may impact on your health should seek medical advice from a registered medical practitioner prior to doing so. If you are concerned in any way about your health, please consult with a qualified health professional.

Privacy statement

This privacy notice applies to personal information collected on the Wellbeing 360 website.

We do not collect personal information on this site unless you volunteer it.

We only use personal information that you provide to us through this site for the purposes of analysing it and providing information to you, and providing high level consolidated reporting to your employer, for directly related purposes, or for other reasons permitted under the Privacy Act 1988.

We do not share personal information volunteered to us through this site with others unless this is necessary for the purpose for which it is provided, is consented to by you, or otherwise does not amount to an interference with your privacy (e.g. to respond to feedback or an email enquiry; or for academic research). We will not provide your data to your employer unless consent has been obtained.

We may analyse non-identifiable web traffic data to improve our services.

You may seek access to personal information held about you through the Wellbeing 360 website in accordance with your rights under the Privacy Act 1988. You have the right to ask to have information corrected. To protect your privacy, and that of others, we may ask you to verify your identity as part of actioning an access or correction request.

Information provided will be held by Vitality Works – Sanitarium Workplace Health. The Wellbeing 360 website is subjected to regular rigorous external application and network penetration testing, along with source code reviews to ensure personal information is unable to be accessed by other parties.

Academic Research

We allow your anonymous health data to be used in academic research, if you have consented to do so. This makes it possible for further research to be conducted into the health profile of New Zealanders and Australians by academic institutions. Data made available for such research will be de-identified, meaning your name or other personal identifiers will never be passed on.

Scoring Information

The Wellbeing 360™ uses evidence based health risk parameters (e.g. physical inactivity, high stress levels or lack of fruit and vegetable consumption) to calculate individual scores across each of these segments; Mental Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing, Work Wellbeing and Social Wellbeing. It then summarises the total score out of a possible 100. The resulting individual (and aggregate scores), provide the individual (and the employer) with an insightful picture of current health status and identifies any risks of ill-health or disease.

Mental Wellbeing
An individual's stress level is measured using specific components relating to stress on the DASS 21 Scale (Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale).

Physical Wellbeing
Assessment covers: nutrition, exercise/ physical activity, sleep, biometrics (blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose and BMI), smoking, alcohol consumption, existing chronic conditions and family medical history.

Many questions relating to physical wellbeing come from the NZ and Australian National Health Surveys. These have been proven to measure actual clinical health risk (including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity).

Social Wellbeing
The individual's level of happiness and purpose is deemed their 'social wellbeing'. This is assessed using eight questions from the Flourishing Scale.
This scale is designed to assess self-perceived success in areas identified as important for psychological flourishing. These include relationships, meaning and purpose, self-esteem and optimism

Work Wellbeing
The level of engagement and connectedness the individual feels at work is important and links to all other domains.
Assessment uses seven questions from the international Work and Wellbeing Survey developed by Dr Bridget Juniper.

For further information regarding your personal information collected on this website, please refer to our Privacy Policy www.wellbeing360.com.au/privacy or contact us. You can also refer to our websites: www.vitalityworks.co.nz (New Zealand) www.vitalityworks.com.au (Australia).

To contact us please refer to: www.wellbeing360.com.au/contact